

Dr Ntombi


  1. President – Dr Ntombi Mudenda
  2. Vice President – Dr Geoffrey Muuka
  3. Secretary – Dr Amy Kingdom
  4. Vice Secretary – Dr Vigirio Mutemwa
  5. Treasurer – Dr Edwin Sianzinda
  6. Public Relations Officer – Dr Mutinta Haachilala
  7. CVA Representative – Dr Joshua Ngwisha
  8. Vet Professionals Rep on Council – Dr Gregory Mululuma
  9. Private Vet Rep on Council – Dr Malcolm Chiyoba
  10. Paraprofessional Rep on Council – Miss Precious Hamusute
  11. Regional Representatives – Dr Danstan Mwiinga, Dr Wilfred Chapabuku, Dr David Mweemba, Dr Steven Tembo
  12. Committee Member – Dr Sattar Geloo


The Veterinary Association of Zambia had been in existence for several decades before it was inacted into law in 2010. It is currently the only Veterinary Association in the country with a membership of small animal, large animal, aquatic and mixed practice veterinarians. It also has veterinary paraprofessionals as members. It draws its membership from both the private and public sectors.

The Association joined WSAVA in 2018 as an associate member and in the same year became a member of AFSCAN.

The Association holds an annual conference at which most of the small animal continuing education is presented. It is also involved in Rabies campaigns nationwide by providing support for public sensitization of various forms and rabies vaccinations.

VAZ ( )