
AFSCAN Ambassador

Prof. Amandus Muhairwa

The TASAVO Executive comitee:

Dr Alex Chang’a – President/Chairperson – alexchanga12@gmail.com

Dr  Yohana Winiston Nungula – Secretary/Coordinator – dmonungula@gmail.com

Dr Thomas Mayani – Treasurer – thomasmayani@gmail.com



TASAVO is Tanzania Small Animal Veterinary Organization (TASAVO), registered in 2018 under NGO Act of 2002 with registration No 0009947. The main objective of TASAVO is to improve the Animal Health and Welfare of Small Animal in Tanzania. Currently there are about 150 members who are veterinarians across the country. Tanzania has about 3.5 million dogs and 2million cats, very small percentage of dogs and cats receive medical care. TASAVO striving to reach all dogs and cats in Tanzania so that they can receive rabies vaccine, provided with shelters and adequate food and water.

In order to improve the welfare of dogs and cats TASAVO implement the following projects:

  • Trap Neuter Release (TNR)
  • Continuous Education (CE) by inviting international speaker to provide lectures to veterinarians in Tanzania
  • Provide education and awareness on good management of dogs and cats to the members of the community in Tanzania
  • Participate in mass rabies vaccination

 TASAVO   (https://tasavo.co.tz/)

TASAVO One Care Workshop

TASAVO Members neutering a cat

Member Categories & How to Join

Here you will find all you need to know about the benefits of becoming a member, the various membership categories and how to join.