AFSCAN Ambassador

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Dr Samuel Derso Tezera – AFSCAN Ambassador and President of ESSAV
Phone number. +251910927004
The President
Dr.Marshet Adugna Mitiku – Vice- President
Dr.Shiret Belete Zewudie – Secretary General
Dr.Nigist Bizu Gessesse – Deputy Secretary General
Dr.Shewatatek Melaku Assefa – Treasurer
Dr.Dejen Asaye Mengistu –Communication Manager
Mrs.Atsedemariam Nigus Gedamu – Project Manager
ESSAV Ethiopia is an Ethiopian Society of Small Animal Veterinarians and was founded by 21 Veterinarians in Ethiopia on 14th June 2023.
So far, the ESSAV has conducted activities including awareness creation on small animal welfare, and rabies vaccination campaigns.
Future Perspective in Ethiopia
Administrative office located at
Mahibere Kidusan Building,Floor 01, Maraki, Gondar, Ethiopia
Mobile Phone number. +251 985584563
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Dr Koney Boye Mensah Kwao – AFSCAN Ambassador and President |
Executive Comitee :
Dr. Andrews Kusi Appiah – President.
Dr Joseph Adotei Adotey – Vice President
Dr. Kwabena Yeboah Kyei – Secretary
Dr. Veronica Donkor – Assistant Secretary
Dr Edna Kissi Amoah – Treasurer.
P.O. Box CT 2402, Cantonments. Accra. Tel +233 (0) 303933557
Email: Website:
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Dr Jean Claude Manirambona – AFSCAN Ambassador and President
Dr Alain – Villard Bimenyimana – Vice- President
Dr Innocent Ndayizeye – Secretary General
Dr Pascal Niyokwizera – Deputy Secretary General
Dr Novence Ndayishemeza – Treasurer
ABMVAC Burundi is a Burundi Small and Companion Animal Veterinary Association.
Was founded by the initiative of 13 veterinarians in Burundi in 2018.
ABMVAC Burundi was recognized as an official association by the Burundi Government on the 5thNovember 2019.
ABMVAC Burundi became a member of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association – WSAVA on 22ndSeptember 2020
Since then, the Association has conducted various activities including awareness activities on animal welfare, vaccination campaigns against Rabies, pet population control activities, participated in different conferences and congress around the World.
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I am indeed honoured and privileged to be chosen as the 2020 North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) Colin F. Burrows International Scholar and African Small Companion Animal Network (AFSCAN) Scholar. I am Dr. Amid Adetayo from Nigeria. I work primarily as lecturer, researcher and veterinary surgeon at the Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, University of Ilorin and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the same university. It was an exciting moment for me when I arrived in Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, USA on January 17, 2020. The event saw an estimated 18,000 participants including veterinarians, nurses, technicians and office managers, as well as more than 500 exhibitors.
I departed Lagos, Nigeria at exactly 11:55pm on Thursday, January 16, 2020 and arrived in MCO, Orlando, FL, USA at about 2:18pm. After a week of educative, informative, eye-opening fun-filled events, I finally left Orlando, FL, USA on Thursday, January 23, 2020 to arrive in Lagos, Nigeria at 3:30pm on Friday, January 24, 2020.
I will like to give account of day-to-day events that took place at the 2020 Veterinary Meeting and Expo (VMX).
Day 1: Saturday, January 18, 2020
We had a VMX welcome session with Terry Crews at 10:15am, which was followed by VMX conference opening ceremony that featured Howie Mandel at exactly 7:30pm. We ended the day with a wonderful NAVC President’s reception at 9:00pm.
On this day, at Rosen Centre Hotel from 1:30pm to 5:30pm, I had a hands-on workshop on Regenerative Medicine and Intra-articular Injections of Platelet-Rich Plasma Protein in dogs.
Day 2: Sunday, January 19, 2020
I attended clinical review on laser focus healing delivered by Marlene Siegel before going for my Sunday breakfast. Cryosurgery for Small Animal Practices session that I had later in the evening was so educative and informative.
Day 3: Monday, January 20, 2020
We started this day off with a guided tour of Expo Hall at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC). It was filled with over 500 exhibitors from across the world. The evening was fun-filled featuring entertainment and concert anchored by Jake Owen.
Day 4: Tuesday, January 21, 2020
An hour with Meslin Yimam on Botanical Alternatives for Reducing Inflammation and Protecting Cartilage in Cats and Dogs was incredibly amazing because I was pretty much exposed to innovative botanical treatments of joint diseases in Cats and Dogs.
The day ended fun-filled at Hyatt Regency Ballroom with a Game Night which started at 7:30pm.
Day 5: Wednesday, January 22, 2020
North American Veterinary Community board held a meeting with both the international scholars and their hosts to give a recap of events at the conference. The day ended with a Finale Party at exactly 7:00pm
Let me first and foremost ascertain that I am now highly dexterous in intra-articular injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Dogs and I would like to be a resource person for WSAVA, AFSCAN and SAVAN for continuing education to maintain professional knowledge and skills. VMX has also given the greatest opportunity to painstakingly examine how lecture sessions were strategically scheduled to accommodate that huge number of participants in various specialties and specializations. I make bold to say that it would not be difficult to adjust what I had learnt from the VMX experience to fit into the cultural norms and expectations of Africa. I also learnt that turning a veterinary association to a community of not just veterinarians, but also nurses, technicians, animal lovers and advocates would increase its strength and participation from these incredible creatures in the spirit of one health and one profession. It is noteworthy to say NAVC have chosen Orange County Convention Centre, Orlando, FL, USA as their permanent home for the VMX, which encourages easy organization of events and facilitates planning. This is a take-home message for me to be replicated in my home country Nigeria and Africa at large.
I am indebted to my mother and my late father, who encouraged me to follow my passion-Veterinary Medicine. All thanks to my wonderful wife-Rukayat, my daughter-Maryam and my sons, Adam and Ikram.
I will like to extend my sincere appreciation to the following people listed below.
The Veterinary Association of Zambia had been in existence for several decades before it was inacted into law in 2010. It is currently the only Veterinary Association in the country with a membership of small animal, large animal, aquatic and mixed practice veterinarians. It also has veterinary paraprofessionals as members. It draws its membership from both the private and public sectors.
The Association joined WSAVA in 2018 as an associate member and in the same year became a member of AFSCAN.
The Association holds an annual conference at which most of the small animal continuing education is presented. It is also involved in Rabies campaigns nationwide by providing support for public sensitization of various forms and rabies vaccinations.
Dr. Samuel Okech
Dr. Berna Nakanwagi
USAPA members held a meeting on 11th March 2015. The current USAPA executive committee is constituted as below:
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Prof. Amandus Muhairwa
The TASAVO Executive comitee:
Dr Alex Chang’a – President/Chairperson –
Dr Yohana Winiston Nungula – Secretary/Coordinator –
Dr Thomas Mayani – Treasurer –
TASAVO is Tanzania Small Animal Veterinary Organization (TASAVO), registered in 2018 under NGO Act of 2002 with registration No 0009947. The main objective of TASAVO is to improve the Animal Health and Welfare of Small Animal in Tanzania. Currently there are about 150 members who are veterinarians across the country. Tanzania has about 3.5 million dogs and 2million cats, very small percentage of dogs and cats receive medical care. TASAVO striving to reach all dogs and cats in Tanzania so that they can receive rabies vaccine, provided with shelters and adequate food and water.
In order to improve the welfare of dogs and cats TASAVO implement the following projects:
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Dr. Olatunji Nasir
The Small Animal Veterinary Association Nigeria (SAVAN) became a member association of the WSAVA in 2015 with the help and initiative of AFSCAN.
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Dr Alexandra Marko (AFSCAN Ambassador) –
Dr Andrea Klingelhöfer (VAN Secretary) –
The Veterinary Association of Namibia (VAN) is a member association of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) in 2015. VAN was originally founded under the south west African branch of the Veterinary Association of South Africa in 1947. However, in 1984 this branch was dissolved and VAN was founded. Now the association organizes regular annual scientific congresses and weekend CPD events for all members.
It is a great privilege for the Veterinary Association of Namibia to be part of the AFSCAN initiative under the very efficient leadership of Dr Gabriel Varga. The Veterinary Association of Namibia (VAN) was established as a branch of the SAVA in 1947. Since 1987 we have our own association, VAN. Namibia is a very arid country with a small population; our association has 120 members today, although only a small percentage is actively involved in small companion animal practice. One of the main initiatives of VAN is the promotion of Continuous Professional Development, which we establish with the support of AFSCAN, WSAVA and our neighbouring South African colleagues as well as our partners in industry.
The major initiative revitalised and supported by AFSCAN in Namibia is the Rabies Eradication Scheme under the very professional and experienced guidance of Dr Luke Gamble from Mission Rabies. His experiences in India, Malawi and other countries with similar projects are of incredible value, which we can utilise without reinventing the wheel again. He paid a very intensive visit to Namibia to experience our local situation and start the planning of the Rabies Eradication Project. Luke is since then actively involved in the planning and preparation of the project. The veterinary profession in Namibia is proud that AFSCAN has selected Namibia as the first country where the Rabies eradication will be launched under the AFSCAN umbrella. The rabies project will be launched in the Namibian hotspot area, which is in the central northern Namibia, where the greatest density of human as well as dog populations and the highest incidence of canine and human rabies exists.
Unfortunately this project has currently suffered a setback as a result of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the same northern area, the first outbreak in the last 50 years. The FMD outbreak can have a disastrous economic impact on Namibia if not contained and extinguished in the area of the current outbreak. It is a huge burden on the whole Directorate of Veterinary Services, which needs their full attention at this stage. This has unfortunately delayed the start of the Rabies project, but the project will be implemented as soon as practically possible.
VAN ( )
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